Rehydration Resource Library

The library of resources provides insights, learnings and guidance on rehydration through the WA rangelands. Decades of research and learning to inform, guide and support the implementation of rehydration and land regeneration activities across pastoral and agricultural settings.

To further assist with search refinement, a spreadsheet can be accessed to sort and access links to resources. Rehydration Literature

Year Author/ PublisherTitle Key Themes/TagsReference Type LINK Citation (APA 7th Edition).
2024ABC Radio National Mutton was once a 'gratuitous by-product', so how did lamb become one of our most cherished national foods?Grazing, Livestock. Podcast Radio National (2024). Mutton was once a 'gratuitous by-product', so how did lamb become one of our most cherished national foods? (Audio Podcast).
1997Addison, J.A guide to mechanical range regenerationmechanical, soil, plants, decision treeField Guide, J. (1997). A guide to mechanical Range Regeneration. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Bulletin 4334.
2010Alchin, M., Tierney, E., Chilcott, C. Carbon Capture Project Final Report soil, plantsReport, M, Tierney, E, and Chilcott, C. (2010). Carbon capture project, final report. An evaluation of the opportunity and risks of carbon offset
based enterprises in the Kimberley-Pilbara region of Western Australia. Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia, Perth.
Bulletin 4801.
2010Alchin, M. Pilbara cattle stations regeneration has potential to capitalise on carbon capture.Livestock Journal Article, M. (2010). Pilbara cattle station regeneration has potential to capitalise on carbon capture. Australian Farm Journal, 1 July 2010.
2008Alchin, M., Addison, J., Shrubb, V., Cockerill, Z., Young, M., Johnson, T., Brennan, G. Pastoral Profits Guide - A paddock guide to achieving sustainable livestock productivity.
Livestock Guide, M., Addison, J., Shrubb, V., Cockerill, Z., Young, M., Johnson, T., Brennan, G. (2008). Pastoral profits
guide, a paddock guide to achieving sustainable livestock productivity. Department of Primary Industries
and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report.
1992Barnes, C.J., Jacobson, G., Smith, G.D. The origin of high nitrate ground waters in the Australian arid zone. Soil, Nutrients, Water Report, C.J., Jacobson, G., Smith, G.D. (1992). The origins of high-nitrate ground waters in the Australian arid zone. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 137, Issues 1–4,1992,
Pages 181-197.
2023Bartley, R. et al. Do regenerative grazing management practices improve
vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary
insights from a space-for-time study in the Great Barrier Reef
catchments, Australia
GrazingResearch Paper R et al. (2022). Do regenerative grazing management practices improve
vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary
insights from a space-for-time study in the Great Barrier Reef
catchments, Australia. The Rangeland Journal
44(4). 221–246. DOI:10.1071/RJ22047
2008Bastin, G., ACRIS Management Committee,
Rangelands 2008 - Taking the pulse. Soil, Plants. Report, G., ACRIS Management Committee,Rangelands (2008). Taking the Pulse, published on behalf of the ACRIS Management Committee by the National Land & Water Resources Audit, Canberra.
2008Brandis, T.Rescuing the Rangelands: Management strategies for restoration and conservation of the natural heritage of the Western Australian rangelands after 150 years of pastoralism Soil, Plants. Report, T. Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (2008). Rescuing the Rangelands
Management strategies for restoration and conservation
of the natural heritage of the Western Australian rangelands
after 150 years of pastoralism.
2011Brann, M.Bringing bare earth back to life in the Kimberley - 2011 (14 Nov)Mechanical Case Study, M. (2011). Bringing bare earthback to life in the Kimberley. ABC Rural.
2006Brennan, G.A., Milton, J.T.B., Norton, B.E., Krebs, G. Rumen Ecology Driving Productivity And Landscape Ecology In The Shrublands Of The West Australian Rangelands.Plants, Animal Function. Conference Paper, G.A., Milton, J.T.B., Norton, B.E., Krebs, G. (2006). Rumen Ecology Driving Productivity and Landscape Ecology in the Shrublands of the West Australian Rangelands. The Australian Rangeland Society.
2020Bunyard, P.Winds and Rain: the role of the Biotic Pump. plants, waterJournal Article, P. (2020). Winds and rain: the role of the biotic pump. International Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 6. 113-115. 10.15406/ijbsbe.2020.06.00198.
1995Burnside, D., Holm, A., Payne, A., Wilson, G. Reading the rangeland: a guide to the arid shrublands of Western Australiagrazing, fire, plantsManual/Guide, D., Holm, A., Payne, A., Wilson, G. (1995). Reading the rangeland: a guide to the arid shrublands of Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Book.
2021Callow, N,. Bell, R. The applicability, efficiency and risks of natural sequence farming in dryland agricultural zone of south west Western Australia.Soil, Plants, Agriculture. Reports, N., Bell, R. (2021). The applicability, efficacy and risks of natural sequence farming in the dryland agricultural zone of south west Western Australia. University of Western Australia, Perth. Report.
2017Campbell, A., Alexandra, J., Curtis, D. Reflections on four decades of land restoration in Australia. Soil, Water, Grazing. Review, A., Alexandra, J., Curtis, D. (2017). Reflections on four decades of land restoration in Australia. The Rangeland Journal 39, 405-416.
2010Centre of Excellence in Natural Resource Management.Fitzroy River Catchment Management Plan SummaryWater Management Plan of Excellence in Natural Resource Management (2010). Fitzroy River
Catchment Management Plan. The University of Western Australia. May 2010.
2019Clunies-Ross., M.A., Mitchell, A., Rangelands NRM Pasture Identification: A field guide for the PilbaraPlants, Soil Field Guide, M.A., Mitchell, A., Rangelands NRM (2019, 2nd ed.). Pasture Identification: A field guide for the Pilbara. Greening Australia.
1979Davies, S.J.J.F., Walsh, T.F.M.Observations on the regeneration of shrubs and woody forbs over a ten year period in grazed quadrats on Mileura Station, Western Australia.Plants Resaerch Article, S.J.J.F., Walsh, T.F.M. (1976). Observations on the regeneration of shrubs and woody forbs over a ten year period in grazed quadrats on Mileura Station, Western Australia.. The Rangeland Journal 1, 215-224.
2022Dawson, S.J., Kreplins, T.L., Kennedy, M.S., Renwick, J., Cowan, M., Fleming, P.A. Land use and dingo baiting are correlated with the density of kangaroos in rangeland systemsgrazingArticle, S.J., Kreplins, T.L., Kennedy, M.S., Renwick, J., Cowan, M., Fleming, P.A. (2023). Land use and dingo baiting are correlated with the density of kangaroos in rangeland systems. Integrative Zoology 18, 299–315.
2017De Grey LCDC.Fact Sheet No.4: Catchment function analysis June 2017 Catchment Function Analysis for the De Grey Catchment. Water Catchment Function Case Study Grey LCDC, (2017). De Grey Land Conservation District Committee (LCDC). Fact Sheet No 1: DG LCFC.
2017De Grey LCDC.Fact Sheet No 5: Rangelands Rehydration -Rangelands Rehydration Works on LCDC Stations Mechanical, Water, Soil, Plants. Case Study Grey LCDC, (2017). De Grey Land Conservation District Committee (LCDC). Fact Sheet No 1: DG LCFC.
2013Department of Agriculture and Food, Western AustraliaPDSWA001 - Investigating the practicality of regenerating
degraded pastoral land on Larrawa station. Final Report.
Water, Mechanical Report of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (2013). PDSWA001 - Investigating the practicality of regenerating
degraded pastoral land on Larrawa station.
1976Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. Report-DAFWA-1976-Abydos-Woodstock Pastoral Research Station 1946 - 1976grazing, fireReport of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. (1976). Abydos - Woodstock Pastoral Research Station 1946 - 1976. Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Perth. Report.
1987Department of Agriculture Western Australia Report-WADeptAg1987 - Animal Production in the Spinifex and Shrublands WAgrazing, fireReport of Agriculture Western Australia (1987). Animal Production in the shrublands Regions of Western Australia. A report from a workshop held by the Rangeland Management Branch, Department of Agriculture. Perth, October 13-16-1987.
1981Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. Land degradation in the Fitzroy Valley of Western Australia.grazing, mechanical, Hydrology Resource Management Technical Reports of Agriculture, Western Australia. Rangeland Management Branch. (1981). Land degradation in
the Fitzroy Valley of Western Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development,
Western Australia, Perth. Report 1.
2010Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Principles for Sustainable Resource
Management in the Rangelands
Economics. Report of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (2010). Principles for Sustainable Resoruce Management in the Rangelands: Document produced by the Natural Resource Management Council.
2019Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Western Australia Good Pastoral Land Management Guidelines - Consultation Summary Land Management GuideManagement Guidelines of Planning, Lands and Heritage Western Australia (2019). Good Pastoral Land Management Guidelines - Consultation Summary.
1954Department of Primary Indiustries and Regional Development"Claypans" in the North-West spinifex areas. Their Origin and Reclamation Mechanical, Soil, Water. Report of Primary Indiustries and Regional Development (1954). "Claypans" in the North-West spinifex areas Their Origin and Reclamation . Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3: Vol. 3: No. 4, Article 23.
2021Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. Report card on sustainable natural resource use in the rangelands of Western AustraliaGrazing, Land Management. Report of Primary Industries and Regional Development. (n.d.). Report card on sustainable natural resource use in the rangelands of Western Australia. Government of Western Australia. Retrieved June 12, 2024, from
2017Department of Primary Industry and Resources Quality Graze Producer Steer Challenge - Final Report. Grazing, Livestock Condition, Economics Report of Primary Industry and Resources (2017). Quality Graze Producer Steer Challenge. MLA Final Report E.PDS.1414.
2014Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Impacts of rehabilitating degraded lands on soil health, pastures, runoff, erosion, nutrient and sediment movement. Part II: Literature review of rehabilitation methods to improve water quality flowing from grazing lands onto the Great Barrier Reef. RRRD.024 Final Report for the Australian Government's Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water Quality Research and Development Program.grazing, mechanical, plants, soilJournal Article of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (2014). RRRD.024 Final Report for the Australian Government’s
Caring for Our Country Reef Rescue Water Quality Research
and Development Program.
1960Fitzgerald, K Soil conservation in the Kimberley area of Western Australia grazing, mechanicalReport, K (1960). "Soil conservation in the Kimberley area of Western Australia," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 1: No. 11, Article 2. Available at:
1982Fitzgerald, K.Restoring degraded rangelandsgrazing, mechanicalState Government Department Report, K (1982). "Restoring degraded rangelands," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 23: No. 2, Article 4.
Available at:
2011Fitzpatrick, E N. In response to need, a history of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture - 1894 to 2008.Water, Economics, Plants, Soil. Book, E N. (2011). In response to need, a history of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture -1894 to 2008. Department of Agriculture and Food, WA, Perth, WA. Book.
2022Fletcher, R.Framework for the sustainable past framework for sustainable pastoral management - Re al management - Revised
Framework, Pastoralism Report, R. (2022). Framework for sustainable pastoral management, revised edition, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australian Government.
2020Future Beef Australia Building Waterponds with a Road GradermechanicalWebinar Beef Australia (2020). Building waterponds with a road grader. (Video).
2016Future Directions InternationalGrazing and controlled burning in Kimberley pastoral land management. Grazing Feature Interview Directions International (2016). Grazing and controlled burning in Kimberley pastoral Land management.
2020Future Directions International Regenerate Australia: The Concept grazing, soil, plant, waterAssociate Paper Directions International (2020). Regenerate Australia: The Concept. Associate Paper.
1987Gintzburger, G. The effect of soil pitting on establishment and growth of annual Medicago spp. on degraded rangeland in Western Australia.MechanicalResearch Paper G. (1987). The effect of soil pitting on establishment and growth of annual Medicago spp. on degraded rangeland in Western Australia..The Rangeland Journal 9, 49-52.
2016Goodwin, D. Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. The Origin, Method, Benefits and Criticisms of Cell Grazing. Cell GrazingJournal Article, D. (2016). The Origin, Method, Benefits and Criticisms of Cell Grazing. Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,Volume 4(1).
2021Hacker R.B., McDonald, S.E. Prospects for sustainable use of the pastoral areas of Australia’s southern rangelands: a synthesisGrazing, Soil Report R.B., McDonald, S.E. (2021). Prospects for sustainable use of the pastoral areas of Australia’s southern rangelands: a synthesis. The Rangeland Journal 43(4). 185-209
1991Hacker, R.B., Tunbridge, S.B. Grazing Management Strategies for Reseeded Rangelands in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia.Grazing Report RB Tunbridge SB (1991). Grazing Management Strategies for Reseeded Rangelands in the East Kimberley Region of Western Australia.. The Rangeland Journal 13, 14-35.
1978Hacker, R.B.Regeneration of Gilgais in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western AustraliaSoil, Water, Plants Literature Review, R.B. (1976). Regeneration of Gilgais in the Eastern Goldfields Region of Western Australia.. The Rangeland Journal 1, 194-196.
1994Holm, A., Watson, I., Tongway, D., Greene, R., Loneragan, W. Boolathana Grazing Study Carnarvon WA -Final Report 1983-1993grazing, plantsReport, A., Watson, I., Tongway, D., Greene, R., Loneragan, W. (1994). Boolathana Grazing Study Carnarvon Western Australia - final report 1983-1993. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3141.7362
2015Hurditch, W. Sustainable water and energy management in
Australia’s farming landscapes.
WaterConference Paper's_farming_landscapesHurditch, W. (2015). Sustainable water and energy management in Australia's farming landscapes. DOI: 10.2495/WS150281.
2023Loo, I.LRegenerative Agriculture: A Global oppurtunity for the Australian Agriculture Industry. Regenerative Agriculture, Regnerative Food systems, Climate Change, Natural Capital. Report Loo (2023). Regenerative Agriculture: A Global oppurtunity for the Australian Agriculture Industry. Winston Churchill Trust.
2023Jehne, W.Regenerate Earth: The practical drawdown of 20 billion tonnes of carbon back into soils annually, to rehydrate bio-systems and safely cool climates. Soils, Water, Plants Report, W. Healthy Soils (2023). Regenerate Earth: The practical drawdown of 20 billion tonnes of carbon back into soils annually, to rehydrate bio-systems and safely cool climates.
2023Khangura, R., Ferris, D., Wagg, C. Regenerative Agriculture—A Literature Review on the Practices
and Mechanisms Used to Improve Soil Health
Regenerative Agriculture, Soil, Grazing Literature Review, R., Ferris, D., Wagg, C. (2023). Regenerative Agriculture—A Literature Review on the Practices and Mechanisms Used to Improve Soil Health. Sustainability. 15. 2338. 10.3390/su15032338.
2008Lake Cowal Foundation Natural Sequence Farming: Catalyst for riparian restoration in semi arid Australia. Spring Creek Project Natural Sequence Farming, mechanical, economicsReport Cowal Foundation (2008). Projects.
2009LakeCowalFoundationNatural Sequence Farming at Spring Creek, ANU Masters student Nick Streeton reportsNatural Sequence Farming, mechanical, Water, Soil, Plants. Video (2009). Natural Sequence Farming at Spring Creek, ANU Masters student Nick Streeton reports (HQ). (Video).
2022Landcare Farming Change in grazing techniques improves drought resileince in the Rangelands. Grazing Article Farming (2022). Innovations in Agriculture Series: Regenerative Rangelands. Change in grazing techniques improves drought resileince in the rangeland.
2012Lewis, M.W. Gascoyne Murchison Strategy - A New Lease of Life Economic. Report, M.W. (2012). Proceedings of the Australian Rangeland Society Biennial Conference: Gascoyne Murchison Strategy - A New Lease of Life..
2010Macdonald, R.G. Evaluation of Soils and Plants for Cattle Production at Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, WA. Soil, Plants Evaluation Report (2010). Evaluation of soils and plants for cattle production at Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, WA.
2011MacDonald, R.G. Grazing Management for Sustainable Future Fossil Downs Station. Grazing, Plants, Seeds. Report, R.G. (2011). Grazing Management for Sustainable Future Fossil Downs Station.
1990Macdonald, R.G. Outline of the Conservation and Land Management practices adopted by Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia. grazing, fire, mechanical, roadsReport, R.G. (1990). Outline of the Conservation and Land Management practices adopted by Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia.
2012Macdonald, R.G. Native Grasses Succeed with Claypan Revegetation at Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, WA. Plants, Soil. Report, R.G. (2012). Native Grasses Succeed with Claypan Revegetation at Fossil Downs Station, Fitzroy Crossing, WA.
1990Macleod, N.D. Johnston, B.G. An economic framework for Evaluating Rangeland Restoration Options. Economics Economic Framework ND Johnston BG (1990). An economic framework for the evaluation of rangeland restoration projects.. The Rangeland Journal 12, 40-53.
2010Makarieva, A., Gorshkov, V. The Pond-And-Plug Treatment for Stream and Meadow Resource Effects and Design Considerations; A Briefing Paper for Plumas National Forest Resource Specialists.Climate Article, A., Gorshkov, V. (2010). The Biotic Pump: Condensation, atmospheric dynamics and climate. International Journal of Water. 5. 365-385. 10.1504/IJW.2010.038729.
2021Materne, C., Kain, A., Cowley, R., Hearnden, M. Quality Graze: turning off beef while improving land condition in Central Australia.grazingConference Paper, C., Kain, A., Cowley, R., Hearnden, M. (2022). Quality Graze: turning off beef while improving land condition in Central Australia. ARS 21st Biennial Conference 2021, Longreach, Queensland.
2021McCosker, T.H., Richardson, P., Curcio, A., Davidson, B. Grazing Systems -Recent Findings Australia Grazing Report, T.H., Richardson, P., Curcio, A., Davidson, B. (2021). Grazing Systems -Recent Findings Australia. NRM in the Rangelands: Shaping our Future.
2004Mckeon, G.M., Hall, W.B., Stone, B.K., Watson, I.W.Pasture Degradation and Recovery in Australia's Rangelands. Soil, Grazing, Plants Report, G.M., Hall, W.B., Stone, B.K., Watson, I.W. (2004). Pasture degradation and recovery in Australia's rangelands: Learning from History. Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. Pasture Degradation and Recovery in Australia's Rangelands.
1992McLaughlin, A.Red Kangaroos can set back range regeneration. Grazing, Water, Plants Report, Andrew (1992). "Red kangaroos can set back range regeneration," Journal of the Department of
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Available at:
2022Millison, A. How to rescue a Sinking Water Table Water, HydrologyVideo, A. (2022). How to Rescue a Sinking Water Table (Video).
2023Mulloon InstituteRehydrating Landscapes in Central Australia Planning, Mechanical, Water Report Institute (2023). Rehydrating Landscapes in Central Australia.
2021Nichols, M.H., Shaw, J.R., Brandau, W.K. Unintended consequences of rangeland conservation structures. Mechanical, Soil, Water Research Article, M.H., Shaw, J.R., Brandau, W.K. (2021).Unintended consequences of rangeland conservation structures,International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Volume 9, Issue 1,2021, Pages 158-165,
1992Norbury, G., Norbury, D.The impact of red kangaroos on the rangelandsgrazingReport, G., Norbury, D. (1992). "The impact of red kangaroos on the rangelands," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 33: No. 2, Article 5.
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1993Norbury, G.L., Norbury, D.C.The Distribution of Red Kangaroos in Relation to Range Regeneration.grazingReport, G.L., Norbury, D.C. (1993). The Distribution of Red Kangaroos in Relation to Range Regeneration. The Rangeland Journal 15, 3-11.
2023Northern DroughthubOur Region Northern WA and Northern Territory Drought, Grazing, Economics Website Droughthub (2023). Our Region Northern WA and Territory. Available at:
2021NQ Dry Tropics NRM Soil health: a challenge for changeSoil Video Dry Tropics NRM (2020). Landholders: Driving Change: Soil Health - The challenge for change with Dr Christine Jones. (Video).
1958Nunn, W. M. Pasture Regeneration in East Kimberley grazing, mechanicalJournal Article, W. M. (1958). "Pasture regeneration in East Kimberley," Journal of the Department of Agriculture,
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2011Oelmann, Y., Richter, A.K. , Roscher, C., Rosenkranz, S,. Temperton, V.M., Weisser, W.W., Wilcke, W. Does Plant diveristy influence phophorus cycling in experimental grasslands? Soil, Plants Report, Y., Richter, A.K. , Roscher, C., Rosenkranz, S,. Temperton, V.M., Weisser, W.W., Wilcke, W. (2011). Does plant diversity influence phosphorus cycling in experimental grasslands? Geoderma, Volumes 167–168, 2011, Pages 178-187,
2017Office of the Auditor General Western AustraliaManagement of
Pastoral Lands in
Western Australia
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Pastoral Lands in Western Australia. Available at
2019Ogilvy, S., Gardner, M., Mallawaarachichi, T., Schirmer, J., Brown, K.,
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Graziers with Better Profitability, Biodiversity, and Wellbeing. grazing, economicsReport, S., Gardner, M., Mallawaarachichi, T., Schirmer, J., Brown, K.,
Heagney, E. (2018). Report: Graziers with better profitability, biodiversity and wellbeing. Canberra
2014O'Reagain, P. J., Scanlan, J. C., Hunt, L., Cowley, R.,Walsh, D. Sustainable grazing management for temporal and spatial variability in North Australia Rangelands - a synthesis of the latest evidence and reccomendations. Grazing, Decision Tree Conference Paper'Reagain, P. J., Scanlan, J. C., Hunt, L., Cowley, R.,Walsh, D. (2014). Sustainable grazing management for temporal and spatial variability in north Australian rangelands – a synthesis of the latest evidence and recommendations. The Rangeland Journal, 36 (3). pp. 223-232.
2002Payne, A. L., Mitchell, A. A. Pasture Condition Guides for the Pilbara Plants, Soil, Water Guide, A L, and Mitchell, A A. (2002). Pasture condition guides for the Pilbara. Department of Primary
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2004Payne, A. L., Watson, I. W., Novelly, P.E. Spectacular Recovery in the Ord River Catchment Soil, Grazing, Plants Report, A L, Watson, I W, and Novelly, P E. (2004). Spectacular recovery in the Ord River catchment. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 17/2004. Available at:
1999Payne, A. L., Mitchell, A. A. An assessment of the impact of Ophthalmia Dam on the floodplains of the Fortescue River on Ethel Creek and Roy Hill Stations. water, plants, soilTechnical Reports, A. L., Mitchell, A. A. (1999). An assessment of the impact of Ophthalmia Dam on the floodplains of the Fortescue River on Ethel Creek and Roy Hill Stations. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 124. Available at:
1998Pearce, D., Elliott, G., Rouda, R. Total grazing management - Results and observations from the Pimbee Station trialgrazingReport, D., Elliott, G., Rouda, R. (1998). Total grazing management : results and observations from the
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2022Peel, L., Hazell, P., Bernardi, T., Dowers, S., Freudenberger B., Hall, C., Hazell, D., Jehne, W., Morre, L., Nairn, G. The Mulloon Rehydration Initiative:
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2010Piñeiro, G., Paruelo, J., Oesterheld, M., Jobbágy, E. Pathways of Grazing Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen. Grazing Soil, Plants. Articleñeiro, G., Paruelo, J., Oesterheld, M., Jobbágy, E. (2010). Pathways of Grazing Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 63. 109-119. 10.2111/08-255.1.
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1995Pringle, H. J., Cranfield, R.
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2006Pringle, H., Watson, I., Tinley, K. Landscape improvement, or ongoing degradation - reconciling apparent contradictions from the arid rangelands of Western Australia. Water, Landscape Function. Research Article, H., Watson, I., Tinley, K. (2006). Landscape improvement, or ongoing degradation - Reconciling apparent contradictions from the arid rangelands of Western Australia. Landscape Ecology. 21. 1267-1279. 10.1007/s10980-006-0015-x.
2003Pringle, H., Tinley, K.Are we overlooking critical geomorphic determinants of landscapes change in Australian Rangelands? Landscapes Perspective Article, Hugh & Tinley, Ken. (2003). Are we looking critical geomorphic determinants of landscape change in Australian rangelands?. Ecological Management & Restoration. 4. 180 - 186. 10.1046/j.1442-8903.2003.00154.x.
2013Provenva, F., Pringle, H., Revell, D., Bray, N., Hines, C., Teague, R., Steffens, T., Barnes, M. Complex Creative Systems; Principles, processes, and practices of transformation. Systems Thinking. Journal Article, F., Pringle, H., Revell, D., Bray, N., Hines, C., Teague, R., Steffens, T., Barnes, M. (2013). Complex Creative Systems: Principles, processes, and practices of transformation. Rnagelands Journal 35. 6-13.
1986Purvis, J.R. Article-Bob Purvis 1986-Nurture the landgrazingJournal Article, J.R. (1986). Nurture the Land: My Philosophies of pastoral management in central Australia. The Australian Rangeland Journal 8(2). 110 - 117.
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2011Rangelands NRM Lake Macleod and Northern Ponds - Caring for our country funded projectgrazing, mechanical, waterReport NRM (2011). Catchment Report Card Lake Macleod and the Northern Ponds.
2015Rangelands NRM Rangeland Self Herding - Australian Rangeland Society Conference 2015 presentationAnimal Behaviour Video NRM (2015). Dean K Revell "Rangeland Self Shepherding" (Video).
2024Rangeland NRM (2024) Fixing the Zippers - A Biological Approach to Rehydration Case StudyFixing the Zippers - A biological Approach to Rehydration. Grazing, Water Case Study NRM (2024). Fixing the Zippers - A Biological Approach to Rehydration Case Study
Available at:
2014Rangelands NRM Camel Pitters. A potential tool for rehabilitation projects. WA’s Southern Rangelands.Mechanical, Soil, Plants Factsheet NRM (2014). Camel Pitters. A potential tool for rehabilitation projects. WA's Southern Rangelands.
2014Rangelands NRMCamel Pitters: Operating Guidelines
WA’s Southern Rangelands
Mechanical, Soil, Plants Guide NRM (2014). Camel Pitters:Operating Guidelines. WA's Southern Rangelands. Available at:
2014Rangelands NRMRangelands Self Sheperding Grazing, Animal Behaviour, Decision Making. Planning Framework NRM (2014). Rangelands Self Sheperding. Available at:
2015Rangelands NRM RangelandsFire GuidingPrincicples_Aug15_lowes.pdf Fire, Guide Guide Manual Rangelands NRM (2015). Guiding Principles for fire management in the WA Rangelands.

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